Episode Five: Dare To Hope Even When Things Aren’t Hopeful! ft. Sanctus Real

Dustin Lolli, Chris Rohman and Mark Graalman of Sanctus Real encourage us to hold on to hope even when we're facing discouraging things. They share stories from the beginning stages of the band back in 1996, including Dustin's takeover as the lead singer in 2016. Ever wonder what songs of theirs have made the biggest impact on them, what the beginning stages of the band was like, or what they wish they could go back and tell themselves if they had the chance? You'll find out all of this, and more, on this weeks episode. 

They share stories about songs like, "This Is Love",  "My Hope Is In The Lord", "My God Is Still The Same", and "Dare To Hope". Make sure to check out Sanctus Real's music if you haven't already!